I am not sure about each and every one of you, when it comes to cooking, cleaning or anything related to tools, I always look at ways to make it easier. Whether it is a multi-cooker, a smart thermometer or a smart thermostat which responds to voice commands such as Alexa, these items have become a staple of many families around the world. In many instances why do we complicate assistive technology.
A definition from the NDIS states that assistive technology is ‘equipment that help you to do things you can’t do because of your disability.’ For our team, we do not see it as simplistic as this as it can be argued using the reasonable and necessary criteria that by making things safer and easier to complete that less supervision and support may be required. Does this make it any less important than not being able to do things because of someone’s disability?
There are many facets to assistive technology, and we always are looking at ways to support an individual to be as independent as possible with an activity as well as require less supervision.
An amazing find over the last 12 months has been the adult KiddiKutter which enables adults to cut fruits and vegetables which is almost impossible to cut yourself with. This item is even now at a local kitchen store. See the link below: https://www.kitchenwarehouse.com.au/product/kiddikutter-adult-safe-knife-with-wood-handle?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI7IO7pM6r_wIVEn4rCh3JewX_EAQYAiABEgKf1fD_BwE